Support the 33rd Annual Spring Sensation
Popular, signature event for CONTACT! Known for grand silent auction!

This will be the best Spring Sensation yet! We are at the Atlantic City Country Club!
CONTACT Cape-Atlantic 2024 Corporate Partnership Opportunities
DIAMOND | $1,500
- Includes “event sponsorship” for Spring Sensation and Designer Bag Bingo
- Table for 10 at Spring Sensation! (A $700 value!)
- Present a training to equip volunteers with information on the common problems and concerns of CONTACT clients enabling volunteers to provide the clients with solutions.
- Featured placement on our social media platforms, links to your postings, etc.
- Appreciation photos, messages and videos with link to partner’s social and/or website.
- Present or be interviewed for “lives!”
- Newsletter: Feature article in e-newsletter
- Newsletter: Large Corporate partner ad and link in e-newsletter
- Website: logo on CONTACT Cape-Atlantic website
GOLD | $1,000
- Four tickets to Spring Sensation! (a $280 value!)
- Featured placement on our social media platforms
- Appreciation photos and messages with link to partner’s website
- Small corporate partner ad and link in e-newsletter
Website: logo on CONTACT Cape-Atlantic website
SILVER | $500
- Two tickets to Spring Sensation (a $140 value!)
- Small corporate partner ad in e-news
- Website: logo on CONTACT Cape-Atlantic website
Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM Tote Raffle Ticket (drawing at the Spring Sensation)
- Just add $20 per ticket to your donation.
Event Sponsorship & Donation Opportunities
Presenting Sponsor $2,500
- Welcome guests at Spring Sensation
- Full page add on inside front cover as presenting sponsor
- Newsletter - Ad in e-newsletter
- Featured placement on our social media platforms – with link to partner’s website
Platinum Sponsor $750
- Speak at Spring Sensation
- Featured placement on our social media platforms – with link to partner’s website
- Newsletter - Ad in e-newsletter
- Listed in event program
- Announcement on social media
- Newsletter – name listed in e-newsletter
Gold Sponsor $500
- Speaker recognizes sponsor at live event
- Featured placement on our social media platforms – with link to partner’s website
- Newsletter - Ad in e-newsletter
Special Sponsor ~ Donate $300
- Listed in event program
- Announcement on social media
- Newsletter – name listed in e-newsletter
Donation $100
Donation $50
Sponsor a Client $30